About me

about Petit Lutin : photograph of myself

Illustration réalisée pendant le challenge Toon Me

Why Petit Lutin, artist ?

I discovered webcomics on illustrators' blog, that gave me the will to create webcomics too. I've started drawing on a blog at the end of 2015, and since 2019 I draw regularly. At first, it took me so long to finish an illustration, because I kept thinking that "it coul be improved". Now I know that work on a texture or on lighting won't correct a wrong anatomy, and I prefer create more illustrations regularly to keep improving.

But, at the beginning, I am a musician ! Piano, bass, singing... I have a project of musical videos that I want to launch.

By the way "Petit Lutin" means "Tiny Lutin" for me it's not as delicate as a fairy, but more facetious.

Which softwares do you use ?

I use the free/libre software Krita to create illustrations, and GIMP if I just need to crop or to resize a picture.

What do you do "in real life" ?

Well, at first, I was a textiles engineer and I worked in the fashion industry. I used to enjoy it, but not any more. I enrolled in a training to become a junior web developer. I enjoy coding, and I enjoy creating websites ! This is the reason why I keep improving this blog myself.