Toon Me

The #toonme ( "Toon Me") challenge consists in dividing a picture of yourself in two parts. You keep your face on one half, and on the other half of the picture you draw yourself in your artstyle. I really enjoyed watching other illustrators doing it on social media, so here is my version.

toon me of petit lutin artiste : picture of me, on the left half it is a real picture, on the back there is HTML code and a blue 5 strings Fender bass, and on the other half of my face I am drawn with green skin, pointy ears and red hair. On the background there is a drawing of Moustache, the panda starring in the HotPandas series, and a drawing of Tux, the penguin of GNU/Linux.

I decided to display a piece of HTML code because I am a web developer (it is the index page of this blog, back in the time where I was coding it from scratch ๐Ÿ˜Ž) , and a picture of me playing the beautiful 5-strings Fender bass behind my face "in the real life". Behind my avatar of Petit Lutin, I obviously added Moustache, a main character of my HotPandas series, and my version of Tux, the penguin used for referring to GNU/Linux and sometimes to Free/Libres softwares.

I'm so happy that my real hair ended up so well mixed with the background ! When I see the result, I feel like I have a background of 10 years of Photoshop, which I have not ! I just used two different brushes on Krita ! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜Ž Well, I do have 10 years of small projects on GIMP, so...๐Ÿ˜

You can see I have glasses in the real life ! I received them just before the quarantine announcement in France. They have a yellow finishing that reduces the pain of the blue light of screens, which is something I really appreciate, because I spent a lot of time in front of my computer. My hair is not as red as in my illustrations, because the henna does not give a neon red, but more subtle reflects that shines under the sun ๐Ÿ”ฅ

It's spring on the shop

Support my work and this blog by buying a colorful wallpaper for your computer and your smartphone ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŸ
pisces stickers to download and print
April's fools stickers
Cute kawai wallpaper of a cat and a panda in a green field with a lot of yellow flowers
Wallpaper "Spring"
Written by Petit Lutin no comments
Classified in : Illustrations Tags : none

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