Musical discoveries, may 2023

logo of Petit Lutin's musical discoveries

  1. Jose and the wastemen 
  2. (G)-Idle - I Feel (album)
  3. Blackswan - "Karma"
  4. Sicksense

Jose and the Wastemen

Let's start with a french band, Jose and the Wastemen. They play some badass rock that will make you headbang.

Am I Mad? ðŸ“¹
preview of video clip 'Am I Mad' from Jose and the Wastemen
I Need A Million ðŸ“¹
preview of the video "I need a million" by Jose and the Wastemen

And if you watch carefully their cover of La fille du Père Noël, you may recognize someone from a band I previously mentionned in my april musical discoveries... ;)

You can find their discography on Bandcamp.

(G)-idle - I Feel : "Allergy" and "Queencard"

My other favourite kpop band with Dreamcatcher, (G)-Idle, has a new album out. The two singles are rather pop/rock like Tomboy, and they tell the two parts of the same story. First,  "Allergy" deals with feeling bad in your shoes "Why ain't I pretty? Why ain't I lovely? Why ain't I sexy? Why am I me?" with Soyeon who would want to have plastic surgery, and the second part is "Queencard", which deals with accepting ourselves as we are "I'm a QueenCard".

Allergy 📹
preview of video clip Allergy by G Idle
Queencard 📹
preview of video Queencard by G Idle

And if you hear carefully the beginning of the "Allergy" video, you may hear the chorus of "Queencard". Same goes with the end of "Queencard", you can hear the intro of "Allergy"...

Blackswan - "Karma"

I came across this video by chance, since it was trending on Newpipe. I was wandering what type of music it was until they start singing. Well, Blackswan is a kpop band really different from others!

Karma 📹
preview of video Karma by Blackswan


I will end this selection with some metal. Sicksense is a band where Vicky Psarakis, The Agonist's singer, also sings.


It's summer on the shop

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Lexie the tiny fairy with green skin and purple wings is taking a bath in a bubble tea.
Wallpaper "The bath of the fairy"
Challenge How To Dragon Your Train, which consisted in turning a train into a dragon. Here is a blue and pink dragon, 
                                    like a french train Ouigo
Wallpaper "How to dragon your train"
Written by Petit Lutin no comments
Classified in : Music Tags : none

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